6 Days (2010), detail, mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm

6 Days (2010), detail, mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm

6 Days (2010), detail, mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm

6 Days (2010), detail, mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm

6 Days (2010), detail, mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm

6 Days (2010), mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm

6 Days (2010), detail, mounting board on paper, 139 x 59.4 cm
Issues of visual representation of numerical data forms the basis of this work. Here, the accumulated data is connected to stress. Experiences of the body over the period of six days are monitored through hand and forehead temperature as stress indicators. The work takes a form of a paper card sculpture and a stop motion video recording the hourly process of temperature taking.